The clinical aspect of the MDCN November 2021 Assessment examination will hold on Thursday, 25th November, 2021, at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Sokoto State. All candidates are to report at Multipurpose Hall Behind School of Nursing, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital by 7:30am prompt for accreditation and onward commencement of the examination.

Please note that candidates are to come along with ONLY their Candidate’s Examination Permit Cards. For clarity, candidates are not expected to come to the center with telephones, writing materials or digital wristwatches or devices of any kind.

Candidates should also ensure strict compliance with the examination rules and also the COVID-19 guidelines.

Best wishes.



By Dr Nathaniel

Nat is a pioneer of His commitment to excellence in medical writing has earned him recognition as a trusted authority in the field. He have collaborated with leading healthcare organizations, authored thought-provoking articles, and played a pivotal role in raising health literacy levels across diverse audiences.

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